

I just want to convey to you all, my deepest thanks for the most wonderful experience obtaining my CE-500 Series SIC Type Rating at your facility. From the day I arrived everyone was so friendly and helpful. I could feel the support from everyone there, and their interest in seeing me be successful. I will admit the training is very demanding because there is a lot of material to cover in a short time.

Bill is the best Flight Instructor I have ever encountered. As we were reviewing and learning about aircraft systems and limitation on ground he was extremely knowledgeable,he was able to answer any question and give a full explanation. I realized after flying with him, his inherit qualities were not something mechanical that he was doing in order to comply as a Flight Instructor, but rather a natural part of his personality and demeanor.

At Global Flight Training not only can you obtain a FAA rating , but you can learn from an experienced staff who have years of true life learned lessons. Overall it was a very positive experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is seeking a quality type rating.

Thank you again for helping me achieve my rating, and for a truly outstanding educational experience.


Dear Global Flight Training,

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to do my SIC training with you, it was an  enjoyable and enlightening experience! The cockpit trainer poster, text, video and audio training materials were excellent and comprehensive, in fact much more comprehensive than I had expected, so I wish I had planned a little more time to review them before I arrived. However, nothing can replace time in the Citation actually performing the flows and hand flying the aircraft during the well thought out LOFT flights and approaches.

My Instructor patiently and professionally worked hard and spent the time to answer all of my questions and made sure I had the opportunity to have a full understanding of the systems and operations of not only the aircraft, but also introduced me to the operations of a customer focused aviation business. It was also great to fly with an Instructor with so much experience and to learn about aeronautical decision making with a focus on safety and scenarios from years of experience in many types of aircraft. Finally, what a great aircraft for high performance endorsement training!

Overall, I’d highly recommend this SIC course as a practical introduction to turbojet operations and it was valuable for my aeronautical understanding and flying experience. Best of luck in further developing the course!

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