Killer Items

We train using the following 12 “Killer Items” that have been known to cause fatal accidents:

  1. Main Entrance Doors: Be sure locking mechanism is properly locked and showing all green and alignment of green flags in center window.
  2. Front Left and Right Baggage Doors: Closed and locked with keys removed.
  3. Both Left and Right Fuel Caps Secure: This model Aircraft does not have anti-siphon devices installed, and if the caps are left loose they will open causing fuel to siphon out upon rotation resulting in an uncontrollable roll.
  4. Flaps Set For Takeoff: If not in take off position, it could take an additional 1000 ft of runway to get airborne.
  5. Elevator Trim Set: Actual position must agree with indicated position in cockpit. With trim full nose up, both crew members will not be able to prevent loss of excessive nose up attitude upon take off.
  6. Tires – Tire Inflation Too Low: Will cause excessive heat while taxiing and cause a blow out resulting in a loss of control of the aircraft.
  7. Tires – Incorrect Inflation: Can cause hydroplaning (wheel riding on surface of water) which causes a loss of control of the aircraft. Hydroplaning speed formula is 9 times the square root of the tire pressure. (Square root of 120psi = 11 x 9 = 99 kts)
  8. Main Wheels: Highly heated breaks causes lead blow out plugs to blow out while landing. The purpose of the blow out plug is to prevent injury or death of ground crew from overheated tires exploding.
  9. Misuse of Pilot Oxygen Mask: As in facial hair (beards and mustaches) that prevents an adequate seal to the crew members face.
  10. Oxygen Fire: Fire in crew member lungs has occurred from the use of petroleum based lip balms while using an oxygen mask.
  11. Misuse of Auto Pilot Interrupt: Switch has caused four deaths from violent vertical attitude shifts.
  12. Misuse of Communication Radios: Switching radios can cause missing critical communications.  Only use Comm One for ATC communications.  Comm two can be used for ATIS and to obtain other information.  The Tenerife 747 accident is the worlds worst airplane accident and is attributed to the miss use of the radios.

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